George Tzanetakis

The majority of my work focuses on the computer analysis of audio and music signals. It combines ideas from digital signal processig, machine learning, and human and computer interaction. I also love computer programming, shooting hoops, and playing music usually without using computers. You can find more about my research, teaching, publications, music, and students by exploring this site. News and random musings can be found in my blog. More details about me can be found in my bio bellow and even more information can be found in my CV.
George Tzanetakis is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science with cross-listed appointments in ECE and Music at the University of Victoria, Canada. He is the Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in the Computer Analysis of Audio and Music and received the Craigdarroch research award in artistic expression at the University of Victoria in 2012. In 2011 he was Visiting Faculty at Google Research. He received his PhD in Computer Science at Princeton University in 2002 and was a Post-Doctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon University in 2002-2003. His research spans all stages of audio content analysis such as feature extraction,segmentation, classification with specific emphasis on music information retrieval. He is also the primary designer and developer of Marsyas an open source framework for audio processing with specific emphasis on music information retrieval applications. His pioneering work on musical genre classification received a IEEE signal processing society young author award and is frequently cited. More recently he has been exploring new interfaces for musical expression, music robotics, computational ethnomusicology, and computer-assisted music instrument tutoring. These interdisciplinary activities combine ideas from signal processing, perception, machine learning, sensors, actuators and human-computer interaction with the connecting theme of making computers better understand music to create more effective interactions with musicians and listeners.